Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Hello and welocme to the official Hive properties Blog. We will be posting a new blog posts every Friday. We will be discussing about everything hive, we shall be giving you updates as to what is happening with our communities, giving tips and advice on renting and buying a property in Ghana, tips on purchasing land as well as giving up to date information about relocation,  business oppurtunities in ghana and earth buildings.

Just to give you a quick background about us, we are a team of young Ghanaians and our mission is:

“The mission of hive is to be the driving force in the real estate & construction market, providing Eco-friendly/ Environmentally sustainable solutions to all building and construction needs across the African continent.”

 We are one of the few companies in Ghana that believe in building green and we follow that philosohy through to all of our communties. You will find that all of our building are built with eco friendly matreials and are fitted out with green energy solutions.

We strive to not follow the crowd but to stand out from the rest and be the pinoeers in green building in Ghana.

Posted By: Joelle Eyeson